Best dog walkers in Chugiak

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Best dog walkers in Chugiak

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Lauren C avatar

1. Lauren C

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Eagle River, AK, 99577


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5 (1)

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Eagle River, AK, 99577

Tazlyn F avatar

2. Tazlyn F

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Wasilla, AK, 99623


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5 (0)

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Wasilla, AK, 99623

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Why find pet care through Wag!?

Wag! is the nation's fastest-growing network of vetted and background checked pet sitters, overnight boarding, dog walkers, dog trainers, and even virtual vet chat. Schedule ahead for pet care while you are away, or book on-demand pet care during the workday. In minutes you can book a nearby dog sitter, daycare provider, or dog walker, who'll take complete care of your loved one - at their place or yours.

Why book a dog walker in Chugiak?

With GPS tracking, in-app chat, and photos of your dog's walk, the Wag! app is the perfect way to book a dog walk for your pup. Chugiak, AK dog walkers know your neighborhood and are experienced in keeping your dog safe while they sniff around the block. Whether your pup needs a quick 30-minute walk or a longer 1-hour adventure, dog walkers in Chugiak, AK are ready help. Booking through the Wag! app is easy — simply set up your dog's profile and browse local Caregivers in minutes.

The best dog friendly neighborhoods in Chugiak



South Endeavor Street

If you decide to explore the opposite side of Knik Arm, head to the southern region of Wasilla, where you'll find the expansive area of Lucile Lake. Although your pup is welcome to sniff around the lake on-leash, there's a place for him to play off-leash here: Lucile Lake Dog Park. This park features a tall fence and plenty of room to play fetch with your, or chase and frolic with some new canine companions! There are plenty of trees to sniff and bark at, but there aren't usually many visitors to play with, which is just pawfect for shy pups. Grab some toys and have a furrific day with your dog at this wonderful lakeside park!



Russian Jack Park

Russian Jack Park is one of the western neighborhoods in Anchorage, and is located just a 5-minute walk from downtown. Centered on the namesake park, the borough offers a lot of recreational spots and places to find a retreat with family and friends, both of the human and canine variety! Russian Jack Dog Park is an off-leash area dedicated to canines in the northeast corner of Russian Jack Springs Park. This is a fully fenced, amazing park with agility equipment, benches, and shade to keep both pups and their parents comfortable. Keep in mind that pooches should stay on-leash when outside the dog park.



U-MED District

U-MED District is an Anchorage neighborhood featuring two major academic facilities: the University of Alaska Anchorage and Alaska Pacific University. There are several residential quarters nearby as well. Surprisingly enough, the area is pet-friendly and boasts one of the coolest canine areas in the city – University Lake Dog Park. This unfenced park offers easy access to the water and multiple walking trails circling around the lake to explore with Fido. Feel free to let your buddy off their leash, but be sure to keep him under voice control to avoid disturbing animals in their natural habitat.



North Star

Anchorage is one of the major cities in Alaska, and almost every neighborhood has something to offer travelers with pooches and locals with fur children. North Star is no exception! Set directly south of downtown, the neighborhood includes residential quarters and a variety of pet-friendly eateries as well as Arctic/Benson Park. This public park has a specially designated, fully fenced dog park with a roomy area and plenty of furry visitors to play with. If your tummies are growling after all that playing, visit Tommy’s Burger Stop, a casual eatery with juicy burgers and a pet-friendly patio.




Spenard is an expansive neighborhood in Anchorage which also functions as a separate community. This borough is infused with a bohemian spirit, and boasts plenty of writers, artists, and cultural events. It's also home to an immensely pawpular dog park! Anchorage Dog Park is a woof-derful pet-friendly asset near Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport with a huge area to explore with Fido! The dog park is mostly occupied by bog and swampland, so beware of mosquitoes, especially in summer. But don't let that scare you away! Your mutt will love the chance to hike along the trails and dip his paws in the small lake.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a dog walk cost in Chugiak, AK?


How do I find and choose a dog walker in Chugiak, AK?


How long does a dog walk last in Chugiak, AK?


How to book a dog walk in Chugiak, AK?


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